Christian Theology

Called to Nations

I believe the call to nations is the high calling of God meant for us all. If we can’t physically go, we can go in intercession. When we go after God’s priorities, we experience His glorious and miraculous promises. He wants the Gospel of His Son exposed to all those He created in His image and empowers those willing to make His priority their own. Thus, when we are consumed in building His Kingdom our priorities become His and we accelerate the process of death to self that allows us to become like His Son, our Savior Jesus Christ.

That the Father is about nations can easily be seen as His heartbeat. It is evident in the entirety of scripture from Genesis to Revelation. In Psalm 2:8 we see that the Father promised the nations as the inheritance of His Son, Jesus Christ. Our commission, the Great Commission, is to preach the Gospel of the kingdom in the nations (Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:15,Mark 13:10,….).

My call to nations came in 1990 and the seed planted was overcome by many events but germinated in His perfect timing. Though in retirement, my life has actually just begun. In two short years with solid fathering leadership my wife and I have been sent to the continent of Africa and the most fulfilling time of my entire life has been set in motion. I am far from a famous or talented preacher rather am obedient to the call and go when Holy Spirit says go. I’ve faced personal death and the loss of my youngest son while on the field, but refuse to quit until He says, “well done.” We routinely experience miracles, signs, and wonders prior to, during, and after ministry. I am not bragging except about Him to whom we give all honor and glory. My prayer of “send me,” as a Bible School student thirty years ago with barely two nickels to rub together, has resulted in wealth that money could never buy.

As a new blogger I feel it necessary to explain why I am doing this. My purpose here is to encourage you in hearing your call. Become pregnant with purpose – His purpose. He will reveal Himself to you and show you His purpose for your life and it will rock your world. Each of us has a God-given purpose which we alone can fulfill. When you surrender your will to His, you become freed from bondage (and Church-anity can be bondage), and God sets in motion His high calling for your life and uses you to build His Kingdom.

But Dr. Guy you just don’t understand…Sure, I understand. The time and cost have been unfathomable to most. Just remember that our cross is incomparable to His. There is no shortcut on the narrow path, but I will give you a couple of secrets that took me years to discover. The secrets are that it will not happen without intercession and that you must become one with the author of the Book and never be without Him (Holy Spirit).

Come Kingdom of God – Will of God Happen!


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