
Today, I would like to address the Prophetic. It is very much alive and indicative of where we are, at this juncture in time. One can argue their concepts and beliefs, but it is pointless in the light of the written word of God. The Bible is the inerrant word of God, and no one can disprove anything contained therein. Scientists have spent lifetimes trying to prove it wrong, but at some point the overwhelming majority accept the existence of God and the inerrancy of His written word. The Bible is a history of God’s people, but it is also a living book. It is the supreme Revelation of Jesus Christ our Lord and His Kingdom and the relationship of the uncreated Godhead with us, the destined created inheritors in Christ. It is prophetic from cover to cover and alive because the Godhead lives, and the spirit world is eternal. My God doesn’t inhabit a rock, isn’t a freakish looking creature, and is not filled with hate. The entire prophetic revelation within the written pages of the Bible has not reached completion. We continue in the Acts of the Apostles while in the physical body, but we are spirit beings that live forever.
We are truly blessed to live in this day. Though our enemy is working overtime to destroy us, though we continuously witness atrocious sin and perversion, yet we know that God is in charge and at some point, it will all be replaced with the millennial reign of our Lord. Of course, scripture tells us that only the Father knows the day and hour, but scripture gives clues and by Holy Spirit we feel the approach. I personally stay excited and on target with my assigned mission, and when you truly know God you will be overcome with the same.
Jesus gave the formula for kingdom life and the implementation of His government on earth called “Ecclesia.” The Greek word Ecclesia is the correct word for church and means that the body of Christ proclaims, decrees, and implements the government of the King. The system worked well until 70 AD when Rome brought its demise. For almost 2000 years we have gone through various reformations, revivals, and concepts of man and when the Bible became available to all the correct concept stared us squarely in the face.
The formula is given in Ephesians 4:8 &11-13: “When He ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ:till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.” These are the ministry gifts given by Jesus upon His ascension and the full complement is necessary to establish the Kingdom. Jesus was and is all of these as we read in scripture. We have recently seen the implementation of apostle and prophet and are now fully loaded. Saints, it is up to us. We have no excuse for we have the battle plan, we have the written word of God, and we have Holy Spirit.
Though all gifts are important and necessary, I want to focus on the importance of the prophetic. The prophetic was the initial way God spoke to His people after the fall of the first Adam. Adam’s sin severed the ability to directly commune with our Creator. God then spoke through prophets in calling man to repent and return unto Him. It wasn’t until Jesus, the Godman, the second Adam, that we were able to again commune with the Father. Corinthians tells us that Adam became a living soul, Jesus a life-giving Spirit. Jesus became the perfect sacrifice and propitiation for our sin, tearing the curtain and allowing entrance to the Holy of Holies and restoration with Father God. The synopsis is found in Hebrews 1:1-4: “God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds; who being the brightness of His glory and the express image of His person, and upholding all things by the word of His power, when He had by Himself purged our sins, sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high, having become so much better than the angels, as He has by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.”
Prophecy is still extremely important, or Christ would not nave included it the 5 ministry gifts. It is for all believers and the Apostle Paul, in Corinthians 14:5, states: I wish you could all speak in tongues, but even more I wish you could all prophesy. For prophecy is greater than speaking in tongues, unless someone interprets what you are saying so that the whole Body will be strengthened. As an aside, I would like to personally interject how important tongues are to your prayer life. Many scriptures attest to this such as Romans 8:27 where we are told that the Spirit intercedes for us according to the will of God. Those with the ministry gift of prophet bring life and order to the Body. My fathering leader, Dr Don Lynch, in his book The Spirit and Power of Elijah says: “Prophetic leadership accurately anticipates what is coming next and prepares God a people ready to respond when the new season arrives.” Prophetic leadership aligns the Body to the priorities of the King. It is also extremely important to the Apostle who has the King’s blueprints and battle plans for a region, nation, or nations.
We find in Revelation 19:10 that Jesus is the Spirit of Prophecy. Jesus is THE PROPHET and prophecy is revelation of Jesus. Prophecy comes from Holy Spirit in seer form through images or vision, or it bubbles up from within. For most it is a combination of the two. Don’t be afraid of it as the Lord desires it to edify the Body. Training and experience are critical when a prophetic word is given and there is a protocol to follow for those not commissioned as prophets. The prophecy must always align with the written word of the Bible.
The Apostle Paul tells us in Romans 12:6 that since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly: if prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith. Faith is a crucial element in anything we do for the Lord. We find in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith it is impossible to please God.
I would like to shift gears and edify the Body of Christ through sharing what the Lord has shown me in my Apostolic metron of Africa and my Nation. God is at work all over the world. Though the prophetic is not my primary ministry gift, it is an additional extension of the Apostolic. I use it often in Africa as there is so much the African people need from the prophetic standpoint and the Lord uses us. The Africans are far hungrier for the things of God than Americans and have wide open spirits. So many nations of the world have exploited them and raped their natural resources. In our second trip of 2018 we were led to prophesy from revelation in our home prayer group. We were at 77 Days of Glory in Kampala, Uganda where Pastor Robert Kayanja was directed by God to have 77 Days of Glory with worship, healing, transformation, and deliverance which has turned into a continuing revival service in tents adjacent to his huge cathedral. At a point in the evening service, they introduce visiting men and women of God. I was last in line to introduce myself and Holy Spirit said prophesy which I did, and it was as follows: “The Lord says Africa will no longer be known as the dark continent for My Light and My Glory will wash over her like a tsunami. My oppressed people will be restored, healed, and set free. That which has been stolen will be repaid. I have not forgotten you. You are a crown jewel in my Royal Diadem.” I gave this prophetic word at multiple meetings and the miracles began to happen. Dr Lindy preached a message on altars to a congregation 10,000 + feet up in the Rwenzori Mountains where many had never seen a white person. The following day the pastor reported that his congregation went home and burned their idols.
The next trip to Kenya and Tanzania we were told of miracles, signs and wonders which preceded our arrival, occurred during our visit as well as followed after we had left. We give the Lord all the Glory for He alone is worthy. All this because we were obedient to prophesy. The other reason is that we have great faith that God will meet the expectation we place on the anointing. He will do the same for any believer who has the level of faith requisite and is willing to make the sacrifice. The Master’s business is Holy, and He will never cheapen His anointing.
If you were on last week’s broadcast, I mentioned that I feel a fresh wind of Holy Spirit blowing across the Nations of the earth. I see it, I feel it, and I hear it. I have experienced a shift and exponential growth in my metron of Africa because that is where God has given me greatest anointing for His purpose in and through me. The Lord is saying to me today: “The thief is caught saith the Lord. My people will rise and expel their enemies and attain the prosperity that I destined them to enjoy. The yoke of slavery, poverty, and disease will be broken. Outside nations will no longer steal or extort from my people. My Ecclesia will decree and experience a fresh wind of my Glory in all of Africa.” I have read some prophecy lately that is most encouraging concerning my beloved Africa.
Now to America. We need the hand of God to move in our Nation. I know what the Lord revealed to me and others concerning the 2020 elections. The rightful winner had the election stolen. I am telling you that it is not over. I have placed it on God’s altar to keep my sanity. Contrary to what some may believe, God is involved in politics and every area of our life and God has His hand on our nation. We all know He will not tolerate evil for long. People are waking up in the USA. In our prayer meeting this past week I had the following prophetic vision which is, and should be easy enough to interpret: “I was above the earth, high enough to see fires burning throughout the USA. They would begin at a center of a city and burn outward 360 degrees from the center and the Lord said I am ridding the Nation of the wicked that have the nations life hostage. As the center was revealed and the fire out, I saw a huge golden eagle descend with a sword in his talons and a banner proclaiming Victory is mine. The Eagle would sink the sword in the ground. And there were people on their knees repenting and crying out to God like in Charles Finney’s day as when he approached on horseback with the Gospel of Salvation. I heard the thunder of horses approaching with unknown riders who would withdraw the sword and oil of healing would flow. Those that were touched became new and the Glory of the Lord was upon them. Revival broke out and the Lord became more precious than life.”
Be blessed and seek the Lord. Your life is important and if you don’t have the gift of salvation and promised eternity with Jesus Christ or have backslidden, I encourage you to repent now and invite the Lord into your life – it is that easy.
One Comment
thanks, very interesting 🙂